
Welcome to The Team Adult Playbook.

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” -Dale Carnegie

The Team Adult Playbook: Connecting Better for Our Sporting Kids is a unique exploration of adult emotions around youth and high school team sports. It tackles the difficult conversations people avoid in the hopes that working through the tough stuff at the adult level will improve the sports experience for everyone.

Sports require emotional navigation. When experienced in a team setting, things are quickly complicated by the various relationships people must also navigate. Most adults work to attend to the emotional and mental well-being of the athletes, yet they spend little time self-reflecting or working on the emotional connections they have with those kids or with the adults around them. Improving the emotional awareness of adults involved in youth sports will positively enhance the experience for everyone who shows up to be part of the team.

Thank you for your interest in Team Adult and for your investment in the lives of sporting children.

Meagan M Frank


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